Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Amniocent what's it?

I'm learning to spell a lot of words I never knew before. I am home from my amniocentesis and all went well. It was fast and pretty much painless. Today I am supposed to take it easy. Elizabeth is holding me to my promise to sit on the couch and read books. We were also able to meet with a couple high-risk doctors and schedule follow-up appointments.

This morning the Lord reminded me that this whole journey is going to be one of trusting my daughter into His hands. There will be many surgeries throughout her life with potential negative outcomes. Will I trust Him with her life? Thanks for all your prayers. I felt a lot of peace this morning and throughout the whole procedure.

1 comment:

  1. i am praying for you and your family...good job for elizabeth keeping you on the couch. i think that it is a good gift that gave us older daughters, to make our moms REST!
