Thursday, October 7, 2010

Confessions of a Spina Bifida Mom

If my blog is silent, it sometimes means I'm struggling and don't know how to put my struggles into words.

I am accutely aware of my daughter's abilities and inabilities. However, seeing the physical therapist write it in black and white is still discouraging.

Acceptance is a continual process.

God doesn't ask me to understand, He just asks that I trust Him.

Whenever my daughter is overly fussy I worry that something is wrong with her shunt.

A Mother's love is amazing. It doesn't matter what you child is like physically or mentally, you love them desperately anyway.

Massaging my daughter's feet and realizing she probably doesn't feel me at all makes me weep sometimes.

Once I probably said with so many other people that all that matters is that I have a "healthy baby." Once I probably said, "as long as my child has two working arms, two working legs and 10 toes, that is all the matters." Now I know that those things don't really matter either.

It is extremely hard not to worry about how you'll be treated by others.

It is impossible to imagine being kind when you are mistreated.

I wouldn't trade my SB daughter for anything.

I'm learning to live one day at a time because more than that can be overwhelming.

I cry with you as you cry during your physical therapy exercises, but I'll do them anyway because I love you.

I am abundantly grateful for the multitude of people who love on my SB daughter and see her for the treasure she is.


  1. If you only new what you and Melody do to our hearts and how beautiful God has created you both to be.

  2. Consider yourself hugged! Sure wish we were closer to do it in person. Know how heavy your heart must get at times...and wished we could take all the hurt away...liked we could do when you were little. But, know God has not forsaken you or Melody and has a great plan for her life. We are so thankful you are trusting HIM who loves you more than we can. Love you loads, Mom
