As Melody's birth approaches, I feel excitement at meeting her, and yet fear of the unknown. A part of me will be ready to just know what we are facing, but there are times when I wonder if I will then just wish to be pregnant again and ignorant of all we might be facing. But, whether I am truly ready or not, Melody will arrive next week. Here are a few of the things I find myself pondering and/or worrying about.
- When others brag of their child's athletic achievements, I wonder if I will ever see Melody run a base or stand at bat.
- Songs I have sung all my life which talk of the lame and verses of how God made the lame walk, have taken on new meaning. What will it mean to have a daughter who might truly be lame?
- Thoughts of heaven are sweeter. Will that be the first time I see Melody run and jump?
- Our kids were discussing the other day "when Melody crawls" or "when Melody walks." It brings tears to my eyes as I remind them that her walking and/or crawling time table may be very different than other babies.
- Will Melody need a shunt? What will it be like to live life watching for signs of shunt failure?
- Will my daughter be moving her legs when she is born? How will I react if she is not?
- As I watched all of David's school run up onto the stage for a performance, I couldn't help but thinking of Melody. Will she be the one slowly making her way in from the side on crutches or joining the school by wheelchair?
- I'm sure I will weep tears at all of her accomplishments. All the ones I'm not sure now she'll ever make.
-Will she struggle with learning disabilities in addition to physical challenges?
- How will I handle life if it includes catheters and bowel programs for the rest of Melody's life?
These are just a few of the things I think about. I know many of you think I have a wonderful, positive outlook. But, the reality is I am human and I am prone to worry just like anyone else. I know God has it all under control and with His help we'll handle whatever we need to, but it doesn't mean I don't worry, too.