Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pee Pee Day

Today I wondered, what makes someone become a Urologist? I mean, really, who decides to spend their life with pee and bladders. But, I am thankful for those knowledgeable doctors who made that strange choice.

Today Melody had a test called a Cystometrogram (CMG) which is a measurement of Bladder Pressure. The test itself went very well. Melody must not have very much sensation as the sensors and catheters didn't seem to bother her a bit.

The results were what we had been told to expect with spina bifida, especially with Melody's level of lesion. However, I must admit I was holding out hope that they would find nothing wrong with her bladder.

We will continue the intermittent catheterization program she has been on since birth. This will continue for life, barring a miracle or medical advancement. She will also begin to take a medication called Ditropan. Melody's bladder contracts much more frequently than normal. The medication will relax it, allowing it to contract less frequently. Her "pressure points" (the point as which she releases urine) are higher than they'd like. The medication should help address this issue. Instead of contracting often, it should contract less often and void more each time.

So, there is your urology lesson for the day. More than you ever wanted to know, probably!

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