Monday, November 22, 2010

Family Updates

There is so much going on in my life these days, sometimes it is impossible to keep it all straight. However, here are a few of the things I am asked about these days.

Melody - She finished active Physical Therapy and made great progress. We'll have a visit in December, but won't start active PT again until January. This is actually a blessing right now. Getting there two mornings a week was a challenge. Melody is starting to push up on all fours (crawling position), move herself across the floor either backward or foreward, sits and rolls over regularly. She has unorthodox ways of doing things, but she's getting it done. I have lots of exercises to do with her each day and am figuring ways to fit them into our routine and not forget them.

If we can ever get insurance issues worked out, Melody will be seeing the Orthopedic doctor for a follow up on her hips and going to spina bifida clinic for her next checkup there in December.

A House - Still no house for us. We were in escrow on one, but fell out due to the bank's failure to get us a letter on time. It came a week late. We have another offer being sent to the bank, but we have yet to see that house. It is a "subject to interior inspection" so you can't see it unless they accept your offer. We hope to see it soon. So, we will see. The market can go weeks without a any homes that fit our needs go on the market. Renting a home for awhile may become a real possibility in the new year.

My Mom - My Mom does indeed have pancreatic cancer. We are all still trying to wrap our heads around this difficult news and it's implictions. We know that she will begin treatment, but as of now, we aren't sure what that will be or when. It was caught fairly early as the tumor is blocking the liver and pancreas ducts, so Mom was turning yellow and itching all over from the build up of bile in her body. They have placed a stent for the liver to drain and given her medication to replace pancreas enzymes. Unfortunately, it is inoperable due to the fact that is wrapped around a couple arteries. Right now the goal is to get Mom feeling better. A couple weeks without sleep due to constant itching have taken their toll and her liver needs to rebound. She also needs to figure out some diet and exercise issues. Right now the cancer is isolated to the pancreas and at least one duct adjacent to the pancreas.

Travels- I will be going to Idaho this week with Melody for just a few days to see my Mom and Dad. It is important for me to see them, even for a very short time. My brother, Steve, will be there for a couple days as well and Tim, if the weather allows him to travel. In just a few weeks, at Christmas time, all our families will return for Christmas. There will be 15 of us total, so we are praying Mom is up to that by then.

Lego League - David's Lego Robotics team won the Grand Champion at the qualifier a couple of weeks ago, so we are off to Legoland in early December to watch them compete there. It is great to watch the kids work together. The competition is judged not only on the performance of their robots, but the kids teamwork, attitudes, spirit, judges questions, presentation skills and how they interact with other teams. We are proud of their academic achievements, but most importantly we are proud of the character these 10 students are showing.

An Old Fashioned Christmas- On the 7th at 7pm Elizabeth will be performing with her school in An Old Fashioned Christmas. She is so excited to have a solo and has been practicing Christmas songs for months. I love to hear her singing loudly and proudly around the house. If you want to come see her, let me know as tickets are limited and I have to buy them next week.

Crafting - Hannah chose crafts as her elective in school this year, so she is having a blast. A huge box of crafts arrived recently and she would have them all done by now if I would let her. We are saving some of the smaller ones for the trip in the car to Idaho at Christmas. Now we just need a house so we have a place to display them all.

T-Ball- Joel has 2 more t-ball games left and the season will be over. I'm not sure how much he has enjoyed it, but he has been a hoot to watch. Of course, the snack after the game is the most exciting thing for him. We're trying to figure out if he is left or right handed, so that has been a challenge as he switches. If I can get it off my phone, I have a picture of him in all the catcher's gear. Very cute.

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