Monday, January 18, 2010

4 months

Our Cutums

Melody is now 4 months old! It is hard to believe. She is such a cutie. Her bright blue eyes are showing no signs of changing and I often find myself calling her "blue eyes." If they stay blue, she'll be the only one with blue eyes in our family. She loves to look people in the eye and just study them. She talks, coos, laughs and interacts so much. The real fun is watching all of the rest of us try to make her laugh, though.

Our Cutums 2

Thursday morning Melody will be fitted for her Pavlik Harness hip brace. So, our adventure with bracing begins. We'll see what that all entails. Though her right knee also makes a clicking, we have been told by the PT that they will not do anything for that right now.

My new ride

A friend got this wonderful supersaucer for Melody. She enjoys it though it dwarfs her and her little feet dangle in the air. She can't be in it too long, yet, as her head is still a bit unsteady. It has a place for balls to go in the legs of it, so Joel thinks that is cool, too.

Hanging in my crib

Melody has been growing rapidly and I've begun to put away all her 0-3 month clothes and pull out the 3-6 month ones. She put on a pound and a half in one week. Last I weighed her she was over 12 pounds. She still wears the smallest socks we can find and only a few pair really stay on her feet.

Miss Crazy Hair with Elizabeth

Miss Crazy Hair

Our Bathing Beauty

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