Friday, June 25, 2010

Hip Hip HOORAY!!!

Melody no longer needs her hip brace!!!! Her hip is in place. I can't tell you how exciting this is. I was shocked as this was not the news I was expecting. We were just sure that barring a miracle we would be deciding whether to try hip surgery or not.

I cried tears of joy as I drove home. Life with spina bifida means many disappointments and staying positive when you want to weep for your child and the challenges they face. But, some days you get to weep tears, not of sorrow, but of extreme joy. For, on days like today, God grants you a miracle.

I really like the Ortho doctor that we saw this morning. He added a whole day to his week to accomodate all the patients of the doctor who moved.

He spent a few minutes getting up to speed on Melody's hip and then sent us for x-rays of her hip. After returning from x-ray he examined her hip for a few moments and then said he needed to go look at her x-ray again. When he returned to the room he said she didn't need the brace anymore. That her hip is in the socket!

I'm so thankful we got to see him as early as we did. Melody's legs are already kind of stuck in the position the brace held them. The doctor said to keep them there when they no longer need to be would just make that problem worse. So, now we get to begin training her legs to go into a more "normal" position.

We will return to see the Ortho in 4 months. It is possible that Melody's hip will move out of the socket again. The Dr. said not to worry, it would not be something we do, but would be a result of the spina bifida. I was told to keep her brace as she will go back into it if needed. We will be praying that will not be necessary.

The Dr. also gave her the PT release as well as a referral for PT. I'll be following up with that as soon as her nurse case worker returns from vacation on Tuesday.

Melody was also given a RX for AFO's (ankle foot orthodics). She will need to be fitted for those soon as well.

I'm so excited. She can wear ANY type of clothing for a little bit until the AFO's dictate more of her wardrobe. We are already planning to buy her a pair of jeans and a float for the pool. Can't wait to put her in her supersaucer and change her car seat back. Diaper changes have become much easier and she is so much lighter. My back, neck and shoulders are grateful already. But the best part is cuddling her without the brace in the way.

What a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Sara...God bless your family and this journey you are on. I praise the Lord with you for this good news. Having our own special needs child for the past 6.5 years, I can relate with the joys and struggles that come with it. But I will tell you one thing for sure....I would never change one bit of the journey. God has taught our family, and continues to teach our family, so many lessons on love, compassion, and yielding our rights. Lessons I could never teach my kids without having Mitchell as the tool. Keep blogging. It's encouraging and therapeutic. Much love, Debbie
