Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chunking Up

I've noticed that Melody is looking a lot chunkier these days, especially her thighs. This must mean she is eating just fine, despite the fact that I do not feed her every 2 hours as many of the "experts" seem to think I should.

Thursday I took Melody to an assessment with Early Intervention the Inland Regional Center. It was not exactly what I expected, so it remains to be seen if this program is helpful for her. The speech therapist and another lady (not sure her expertise) assessed Melody. They were very impressed with her and most of her development is ahead of schedule. However, she has lower extremity weakness, which of course was no news to me. They have opened her case and will reassess her in 3 months. If she still has weakness in her gross motor skills, they'll provide some help. It sounds like that will be sending some kind of early education instructor to our home once a week to show us how to work with Melody. I'm not sure how this will help as what she will really need is a physical therapist, but we will try it and if it is not helpful, we will stop.

I have been told by 2 sources the California Children's Services is what will provide Melody's PT, so I need to pursue that this week. I also understand that obtaining PT is one of the biggest hurdles we will face with a child with SB. Right now it is pretty early, so I'm not too worried, yet.

Friday I came down with something and ached all over for two days. Thankfully, I'm feeling better this morning. Elizabeth came down with something yesterday, and was vomiting all afternoon and evening. Thankfully, she also seems on the mend today. I'm probably being overly optimistic, but I'm hoping no one else gets it.

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