Monday, October 26, 2009

Support System

Before we brought Melody home from the hospital we were asked various times what kind of support system we had at home. I found it kind of comical that although we already had 4 other children, NOW they're worried if we have someone to support us. We had social workers, doctors and nurses all making sure we had help when we got home. It makes sense, that they'd make sure we were okay before sending us home with a special needs child, but I did find it interesting as well.
Due to their questioning I found myself reflecting a lot on our support system. We have a wonderful one and it has been such a blessing to us over the past few months. We have FAMILY who have all been incredibly supportive, and we do have a lot of family. Sometimes it is from afar with words and prayers, sometimes more hands on, but always supportive. My parents spending a month here, Kevin's Mom coming to help with the kids, Aunt Wendy doing research for us and calling wheelchair basketball "wicked cool," and my brother offering to come and help if we needed it, despite having plenty to take care of at home.
FRIENDS whom are more plentiful than we realized. MOMS Club who brought meals for a week and offered more help than I could even use. RIVER SPRINGS friends from our kids school who offered so much help and especially were a source of encouragement. Our RELATIONAL TITHE small group who has modeled what living in community is really about. Then there is our CHURCH family who has prayed, encouraged, supported and loved us through the past few months. They brought meals and provided uncountable hours of babysitting.
Collegues at WORK have also been awesome. Keller Williams held a fundraiser for Melody's expenses and so many of Kevin's co-workers have been wonderful and encouraging. Though I am not teaching this fall, my co-workers from the Riverside Student Center have been a blessing since the very beginning.
Then there is another whole group which could almost be called perfect STRANGERS. People who have heard our story through a friend or relative, have read my blog, or have experience with spina bifida themselves. They have been another source of support. People, who though they don't know us personally, have gone out of their way to bless us.
We are blessed with an incredible support system. It is encouraging and humbling all at the same time. If you are reading this you are a part of our support system. Bless you all. We love you and are eternally grateful for your imput in our lives.

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