Friday, October 23, 2009

What God Can Do

In John 9 Jesus and the disciples come across a man who has been blind from birth. The disciples ask Jesus who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind. Jesus responds by saying "you're asking the wrong question." Instead of asking whose fault it is, you should be asking what God can do.

I must confess that at times I feel guilty for having given birth to a daughter with spina bifida. I know in my head that I really had no control over it, but there are times when I feel like I should have somehow been able to prevent it. This passage gives me hope and peace. I don't need to obsess over who is to blame or why did this happen to me. Instead, I look at what God can do.

What can God do with a life. Our lives. Anyone's life. He can do so much. Even if our life is affected by spina bifida. What can He do with Melody's life? Amazing things. Someday I'll know what God has done with Melody's life. For now I anticipate and hope in what He will do.

1 comment:

  1. That passage has given me comfort too as I struggled with my asthma as a young teenager. Still praying for you all and glad to read about the news from the Allen home.
