Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Healthy Heart!

The doctor informed us this morning that our baby appears to have a healthy heart. I can't tell you how wonderful that feels. One less thing to worry about. She said it is very difficult to detect small holes, etc, but that so far things looked good. She sees no need to repeat it later. We got there and were told it could take up to 3 hours! Baby decided not to cooperate as she was very active. I had noticed her moving a lot last night as well. The most I have ever noticed her moving. So, that made taking good pictures of her heart more challenging. Then they had to wait for the doctor to review the results and consult with us. We were glad to know today, though.

We picked up medical records at the Maternal/Fetal Medicine office and will FED EX those to MOMS Study today. We returned home about 11am and I fed everyone a quick lunch and then the girls and I headed to urgent care. (because I don't have enough doctor visits in my life :)

Hannah had been complaining of ear pain and her cold is worse today, so she just started antibiotics as the doctor said her ear is "on fire."

Just as I was ready to leave for the doctor, I took another look at Elizabeth's red face and realized it was not a sunburn from yesterday as it was creeping down her neck and chest. Sunburns don't move, thought I! So... I took her too and found she has something called "viral syndrome." Which sounds awful, but basically sounds like a cold to me. He said she was wheezing, so she was given a breathing treatment. I was glad I had taken her even though she said she was feeling fine.

We picked up antibiotic, dimetapp DM and the girls each chose a gatorade and came home. The kids are resting now and I'm off to take a nap. The doctor said to rest and drink fluids, so that is what we will do the rest of the day. He did say they were fine to go to school tomorrow, and I asked at least 3 times, so we'll plan on that for now.

Thanks for all the prayers.


  1. Hi Sara, So glad to hear about the healthy heart. This is the first time I heard about your little girl. About a month ago I learned one of our friends here in town just found out their unborn son also has spina bifida. It's so good to know that God has chosen our children for our families, even before we knew them. Prayers for your continued peace and strength. Love you! Cindi

  2. So glad!! love you, Libby
