Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Positive Results and A Closed Door

I saw the doctor this afternoon for a quick check-up and a LOT of paperwork. Apparently, this is the first time I have "officially" been seen by the high-risk/fetal medicine office, so the paperwork was endless. The exciting news is that the amniocentesis results did not show any additional problems. Yes, Melody is a girl and there are no chromosome abnormalities. Praise God. However, the doctor was in a rush as it was already after 5pm and he still had 2 other patients. We weren't too confident that he had all the information available to him from the amnio.

This morning I spoke with the lady at the MOMS study and was informed the team will not consider me a candidate because of my history of preterm labor. (Both our girls were born at 36 weeks.) I expected to be more relieved than I feel. While I was checking in at the doctor this afternoon, I saw this quote at the doctor's office:

"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." Alexander Graham Bell

We have been praying for God's leading, so we will trust His hand in closing this door. I will try and not to focus on the closed door, but on the open ones in front of us. I must admit, it felt better to be able to do something. Instead, we will be waiting until Melody's birth to really be able to do something. I must admit waiting is not my strong suit. Have you ever noticed how many bible verses have to do with waiting? I guess I'll be working on my waiting skills.

Psalm 27:14 "Wait for the LORD, be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.


  1. I love the new pictures and the naming of Melody. I think that it is funny when parents do not name their children in an "order" and then a new bundle of joy comes along and the older kids see a pattern and want it to be followed. Just makes me laugh a little, and think back to when Deene was born :)

  2. waiting.....Bless your heart Sara...
    really love the beautiful name!
