Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Miracle

Make no mistake, Melody is our miracle. Just the way she is. I have struggled over the past three weeks as well-intentioned people have suggested that if we just have faith, God will heal Melody. Often the suggestion is that we "deserve" a miracle. That God would not allow us to have a child who is not physically perfect. Don't get me wrong, I believe God can and does perform miracles. However, I believe Melody is our miracle, just the way she is. If God chooses to give her completely normal physical function, all the praise and glory will belong to Him alone. But, if He chooses to give Melody to us with imperfections, He will still be God. I don't need a miracle to know that God is God. I already have one. We don't know what Melody's life will be like, but we know that she is God's precious creation and gift to us, just the way she is. We love her and she doesn't need to be perfect to be loved and treasured by our family. What message would that send to our other children anyway? Only perfection is valuable? If there is anything "wrong" with you, we won't love you? Of course not, we love all our children, the good and the bad. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd love to shield Melody from difficulty and struggle. My heart aches when I think of the surgeries and physical hurdles she may face in her life. But, through the struggle, we will be there with her and God will be there with us.

I just listened to the following song for the first time since we heard the news of Melody's spina bifida. It puts into words so eloquently some of my thoughts. It will make you cry, but it gives me hope. Yes, we have our miracle, even if miracles sometimes hide.

Sometimes Miracles Hide
By Bruce Carroll

They were so excited it was coming to be, two people so in love
and now soon there would be three, for many years they planned it. Now soon it would be true, She was picking out the pink clothes, he was looking at the blue.

The call came unexpected the doctor had bad news, Some tests came back
and things weren't right, said you're gonna have to choose,
"I'll wait a week for your decision" and then the words cut like a knife ,
"I'm sure everyone will understand if you want to end its life".

Though they were badly shaken they just had no choice,
Because they knew God creates no accidents and they were sure they heard His voice Sayin'.

sometimes miracles hide, and God will wrap some blessings in disguise
and you may have to wait this lifetime to see the reasons with your eyes,
cause sometimes miracles hide

It seemed before they knew it the appointed day arrived,
with eager apprehension they could barely hold inside,
The first time they laid eyes on her confirmed the doctors fears
but they held onto God promise they were sure they both could hear.


Though she was not like the other girls they thought she was the best,
and through all the years of struggle neither whispered one regret.
And the first day that she started school and took her first bus ride,
they'd remembered the words that God had spoke and they both broke down and cried.

You see to them it did not matter why some things in life take place,
cause they just knew the joy they felt when they'd look into her face.
They learned that sometimes miracles hide, they said God Has wrapped our blessing in disguise and we may have to wait this lifetime to see the reasons with our eyes, we know sometimes miracles hide. We've learned sometimes miracles hide.


  1. Sara,
    This is an absolutely beautiful tribute you have going for Melody.
    You already know that she is a blessing and she is being placed into a very special family. I had no idea you had this blog started, thanks for sharing. You will be in my prayers and may you continue to go to God for peace and comfort.
    Kathy- You will be missed a school

  2. Sara,
    That song just pulled at my heart. Yep, every accomplishment with our child is a praise moment!

    I remember when Heidi was born and didn't respond for almost three months. We would hold her by the hour so she could feel our heartbeat and then wake her to eat. We would put the bassinet right next to the table when we ate so she could hear our voices. Her first days we just dropped the liquid into her little mouth and her reflexes would make her swallow. It was a helpless feeling for we could NOT really go anywhere with her since she had no papers, etc.
    When we did get to a doctor he looked at us and said, "Why she is bad-blood, what do you expect!" Just so you know this doctor was trained at Georgetown University and as time went on he was amazed at Heidi's progress. When we moved back to the USA he cried for he had fallen in love with our family and especially our 'little battle maiden princess' which is the meaning of Heidi Amirra.

    I remember Uncle Valyn saying when Heidi was a couple of days old, "If there is something wrong we will just deal with it as the time comes; the Lord gave us our new little daugher and she is family!"

    I remember one night just lifting Heidi above my head and claiming her for our Lord.
    Wow, now look at Heidi --- a vibrant young woman who loves life.
    God never makes a child with imperfection at birth; I feel He gives us the precious child just the way they are and they are PERFECT FROM HIS HANDS TO OURS.

    This causes me to reflect upon the word, perfect, for what is perfection in my Lord's sight. It certainly is NOT the world's view of perfection!

    Is it easy at times --- No!
    Does it make me fall on my knees and claim extra strength from Him ---- YES! I sometimes wonder why it takes struggles, hardships, intimidation, pride or fear to make us fall on our knees!?!

    All is know is, MY Lord makes NO MISTAKES for our lives. Just think of the doors that may open to you where others feel hopeless in this same situation and you can give hope!

    Melody, you are blest to have six family members to surround you with LOVE, TENDERNESS and all that goes with a home.

    Aunt Jean
    Isaiah 29:11

  3. I enjoy reading your blog. I am praying for you all. The way you Sara hold your head up high even when it is I am sure sometimes hard encourages me so much each time I see you.

  4. Hi, you don't know me but Rita put me in touch with your blog. She and I belong to an online forum for Christian moms. As soon as I read her prayer request for your family I felt the need to get in touch with you.

    First of all I want to say congratulations on the birth of your precious Melody! What a gift you have been given! God chooses special parents for little ones with special needs and you have been hand picked by Him.

    We have a three 1/2 year old daughter with Spina Bifida. Her name is Emily and she is (L3-L5) lesion level. She is an amazing little girl. I read through your blog and could identify with so much of what you wrote about. We were even living in Southern California when we received her diagnosis.

    I will be praying for you and your family as you welcome your new babe into your lives. Praying that your NICU experience will be positive and that there will be no additional complications for Melody.

    I would love to walk along side you in this journey you are about to begin. If you want to get in touch with me my email address is I'd be more than happy to chat with you anytime. God bless you as you welcome your precious girl!

