Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spotlight on Broadway

Tonight was David's performance with his school called "Spotlight on Broadway." They performed various songs and told the history of Broadway. David was a narrator and also performed in all the group numbers. He did a great job and we are proud of him. He takes his roles very seriously, so he rarely cracks a smile as he concentrates on his lines and dance moves. The other kids each picked a balloon out for him to give him after the performance. Tiger striped balloon from Elizabeth, blue from Joel (his favorite color) and a red congratulations balloon from Hannah. I'm hoping to figure out how to post pictures here soon.

We spent the morning working on David's science project, housework, and cleaning Elizabeth's hamster's cage. It feels good to have time for the routine things on life and catch up a bit. David is testing the aerodynamics of his lego star wars vehicles in a home-made wind tunnel. We had really fallen behind on this over the past week. Not having a stinky hamster cage is always nice, too.

It is nice to have a day to focus on our children and not so much medical stuff. I get teary when I watch all the kids run onto stage in the performance and realize that life for our youngest daughter will quite likely not include running onto the stage. Watching what our kids and other kids do these days often brings tears to my eyes as I ponder what life holds for our daughter.

1 comment:

  1. I just want you to know that our prayers are with you and your family, and remeber...'In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths' (Proverbs 3:6). Let the Joy of the Lord be your Strength, and let him be a light unto your path...He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!!! Prayerfully - The Herards
