Three weeks ago today I had just had a c-section and was holding Melody for the first time. It seems like ages ago in some ways, and such a short time in others. I'm just so thankful to be past all three surgeries and into the healing process. Today we got out of the house for a short walk, so we are definitely getting back into the swing of things. Here are a few pictures of how we're settling back into life.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Last Day with Grandma & Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa Coats are headed home in the morning. We have sure enjoyed having them, but we think we can survive without them now. We took lots of pictures today before they leave. Joel will be lost without Grandpa to follow around and play "golf" with. As you can see from the following pictures, Melody has received her share of attention over the past couple of weeks.

Allen Five

Grandma Coats & Melody

Allen Five

Grandma Coats & Melody
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Two Weeks Old!
Yes, it is true! Melody is 2 weeks old today. It is hard to believe as it feels like a really long two weeks. She had her first pediatrician visit today, and the doctor agreed that Melody looks really good.
Today I'm rejoicing that:
* Melody seems to be holding less and less urine each time we cath! This is a good trend which we'd like to see continue.
* Melody seems to be moving her legs more each day.
* Melody is eating and sleeping well.
* I'm feeling better each day, though I have frequent reminders that my belly was cut open just two short weeks ago.
I had high hopes of getting a two week picture on here, but I'm thinking sleep is more of a priority at this point. Maybe tomorrow.
Today I'm rejoicing that:
* Melody seems to be holding less and less urine each time we cath! This is a good trend which we'd like to see continue.
* Melody seems to be moving her legs more each day.
* Melody is eating and sleeping well.
* I'm feeling better each day, though I have frequent reminders that my belly was cut open just two short weeks ago.
I had high hopes of getting a two week picture on here, but I'm thinking sleep is more of a priority at this point. Maybe tomorrow.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Three Days at Home
Melody has been home for 3 whole days. She is sleeping well at night, going 3 to 4 hours at a time. She has also figured out how to nurse already, so that is a wonderful blessing as all the pumping was really getting old and time consuming. The home health nurse stopped by today and said she looks great. She weighed in at 6 pounds 7 ounces. That is a gain of 3 ounces. We are noticing that she is moving her feet and legs more and more each day. This is very encouraging.
Today we actually managed to get school work accomplished, though we probably wouldn't have eaten much more than cold cereal without Grandma here to fix meals. I am feeling good overall, but get tired easily and am ravenous most of the time. I think I overdid it today, so I am feeling more pain tonight. A reminder that I am not yet two weeks past my c-section. We are slowly losing the masks around here as everyone is starting to feel better. But, the hand washing continues.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Main Event
Melody is the main event at our house right now. We are enjoying her and especially enjoying our first day without a hospital trip. Things are going well so far. I am especially proud of myself as I've successfully made it through 2 catheterizations! Pretty soon it will be Daddy's turn to master a skill we NEVER thought we'd need to learn. Here are just a few of the many pictures we've taken so far. More to come.
Melody all dressed and waiting to leave the NICU. Elizabeth picked out the panda outfit. We waited a long time as the doctor writing the discharge had to go do an emergency procedure. Apparently our discharge instructions are pretty involved. :)
Leaving the NICU!! This was right before I started crying. What a blessing and relief to go home. It was humbling to realize Melody was the first of the 6 babies in her room to go home. All the other had arrived in Room 5 before she did, too.
Tucked into her car seat.
Walking to the van. I said, "you're just going to let us walk out of here?" And they said, "Yes!"
Friday, September 18, 2009
Melody is HOME!!!!!
We arrived home with Melody at about 7pm. She is 9 days old. The nines continue. Everyone is thrilled and life is busy. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow, but wanted you to know so you can rejoice with us.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
SO Very Tired
I'm SO tired tonight. There is a possibility Melody will come home tomorrow evening, but Saturday is more likely. Today we got to feed her a couple of times, take the 2 hour discharge class, fill out paperwork, and do our first catheterization. We have a couple videos to watch tomorrow and another catheter to do and then I think we're ready to go home. I have some cute pictures as she was wearing clothes for the first time, but I'm too tired to upload and post tonight. There will be lots of pictures when she gets home, that is for sure. Especially with her siblings. I can't wait. My biggest concern on coming home is that 3 of our 4 kids have sore throats and colds. Melody really doesn't need one of those quite yet. Pray for health and protection for her.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Torn in Two
Torn in two. That is how I feel. When I stand up, I feel like my body is going to come apart. The joys of a c-section. I still think the c-section is NOT the way to have a baby, but I'll do what I have to. 5 more weeks of recovery.
Torn in two is also how I feel having Melody at the hospital and the rest of the family at home. I am torn between wanting to be there with her, and wanting to be home with the rest of our family. I can't wait until we are all together.
Tomorrow I will get on the phone early and start rattling some cages about Melody's discharge. At this point, I don't really know what is keeping her there, except the very long list of things they want us to complete before bringing her home. Like a 2 hour class on parenting! I just want to know when it is so we can take it and get home.
Today I spent 1/2 hour with the physical therapists. They were very positive about Melody. The only exercise they showed me at this point was for her left leg, which is "tight" and needs to be stretched daily so it will go all the way straight. We will be sent home with a referral for PT, so we can get started right away. The PT's seemed to think her legs are both aligned right, including her feet. We initially thought the right one might be "clubbed" and need surgery. It is looking a lot stronger to me. I'm hoping they are right as it would be a surgery avoided down the road. Overall, I was encouraged by their report. At least 2 days a week of PT is going to be fun to fit into our schedule, but it is necessary if she is to walk someday.
I spent several hours at the hospital this afternoon with Melody. It was fun to feed and hold her and just enjoy her. She was awake and alert for a couple of hours at one point. She is doing so much better than yesterday. She has most of the tubes and things off of her and is eating well. She was obviously feeling better as well and didn't show any signs of being in pain. That makes Mommy happy. Watching your baby in pain is not easy.
Torn in two is also how I feel having Melody at the hospital and the rest of the family at home. I am torn between wanting to be there with her, and wanting to be home with the rest of our family. I can't wait until we are all together.
Tomorrow I will get on the phone early and start rattling some cages about Melody's discharge. At this point, I don't really know what is keeping her there, except the very long list of things they want us to complete before bringing her home. Like a 2 hour class on parenting! I just want to know when it is so we can take it and get home.
Today I spent 1/2 hour with the physical therapists. They were very positive about Melody. The only exercise they showed me at this point was for her left leg, which is "tight" and needs to be stretched daily so it will go all the way straight. We will be sent home with a referral for PT, so we can get started right away. The PT's seemed to think her legs are both aligned right, including her feet. We initially thought the right one might be "clubbed" and need surgery. It is looking a lot stronger to me. I'm hoping they are right as it would be a surgery avoided down the road. Overall, I was encouraged by their report. At least 2 days a week of PT is going to be fun to fit into our schedule, but it is necessary if she is to walk someday.
I spent several hours at the hospital this afternoon with Melody. It was fun to feed and hold her and just enjoy her. She was awake and alert for a couple of hours at one point. She is doing so much better than yesterday. She has most of the tubes and things off of her and is eating well. She was obviously feeling better as well and didn't show any signs of being in pain. That makes Mommy happy. Watching your baby in pain is not easy.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Healing Time
We are hoping Melody's surgeries are done for the time being. If all goes well, she could be home by the weekend! We are praying it is so. For now, it is a time of healing. With an "owie" on her back, one on her belly, and one on her head it is hard to know how to position her.
Melody was rolled into surgery about 7:30am this morning. Kevin and I had raced over there after receiving an early morning call and we able to see her before surgery and talk with and pray with the doctor. She was out by 9:00 and we got immediate updates from the doctors that all had gone smoothly. It took her a bit longer to get extubated from the oxygen, but that was because the surgery was shorter. They allowed us to see her about 10 am, even though it was not visiting hours. We left until visiting hours began again after lunch and spent a short time with her. She was obviously in pain, so we waiting until the next pain meds took effect before leaving. She should have slept much of today. We returned home so I could nap as I was pretty exhausted. We stayed home tonight to be with the other kids as they really need to see us. We'll return tomorrow afternoon to check on precious Melody.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Shunt Surgery Tomorrow
We received a call from the neurosurgeon this morning informing us that Melody's soft spot was bulging, so they will most likely need to put a shunt in tomorrow. The were completing a head ultrasound as we arrived at the hospital this afternoon, and we got the initial report from the resident physician right before we left. The hydrocephaly (fluid in the brain) is increasing, so a shunt is now necessary. We have been told the surgery will be done at either 7:30 or 9:30 am. We will try to be there to see her before surgery and talk with the neurosurgeon and be there after she is out of surgery.
Shunts are necessary in 80% of spina bifida children. However, I had really hoped we'd beat those odds. Today was an emotional day for me as I realized Melody would need to undergo yet another surgery, her homecoming will be delayed a few days, and we'll be dealing with a shunt and the fear of shunt failure for the rest of her life. I had tried not to get my hopes up, but I guess I did.
I believe this is the life of a parent with a special needs child. One moment you are positive and filled with hope, and the next you are discouraged as you deal with realities you really wish weren't there, but are powerless to change.
This afternoon we got to hold Melody for a long time and feed her. I also changed her diaper for the first time. She only had one or two "things" attached to her body today, so it was fun to hold her without all the wires, etc. Several of those will be re-attached to her body tonight in preparation for surgery, but we enjoyed it while we could. She is a very contented baby most of the time, but if she is hungry, she is sure to let the whole world know. Once fed, she looks around, or falls back to sleep. She loves her big green pacifier, too. We hope the contented personality will continue once we get her home.
Shunts are necessary in 80% of spina bifida children. However, I had really hoped we'd beat those odds. Today was an emotional day for me as I realized Melody would need to undergo yet another surgery, her homecoming will be delayed a few days, and we'll be dealing with a shunt and the fear of shunt failure for the rest of her life. I had tried not to get my hopes up, but I guess I did.
I believe this is the life of a parent with a special needs child. One moment you are positive and filled with hope, and the next you are discouraged as you deal with realities you really wish weren't there, but are powerless to change.
This afternoon we got to hold Melody for a long time and feed her. I also changed her diaper for the first time. She only had one or two "things" attached to her body today, so it was fun to hold her without all the wires, etc. Several of those will be re-attached to her body tonight in preparation for surgery, but we enjoyed it while we could. She is a very contented baby most of the time, but if she is hungry, she is sure to let the whole world know. Once fed, she looks around, or falls back to sleep. She loves her big green pacifier, too. We hope the contented personality will continue once we get her home.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Cute Little Bow Head - 3 days old
Mommy & Melody - Day 3
Here's looking at you! Day 3
Looking at Mommy - Day 3
It is so good to be home! I got released from the hospital today, and am thankful to be home again with my family. Of course, the hardest part was coming home without Melody, but we are thankful she is in very capable hands. The nurses at the hospital have all been excellent. All of mine and Melody's.
Tomorrow they will be doing another head ultrasound to further determine whether Melody will need a shunt. We are praying a shunt will not be necessary this week, or ever. Most spina bifida children need them, (at least 80%) so we are praying for her to beat those odds.
The other thing the doctors continue to monitor is her bladder function. At this point it is not voiding properly. They are running a test for the next 24 hours and depending on the results of that will do a contrast test of some type tomorrow to determine how her bladder is functioning. We would be very thankful if the lack of function is due to the "spinal shock" from the surgery. However, we know this could be a permanent condition as well.
There is so much to write about. My mind is a whirl of thoughts and emotions, but these are the most pressing concerns on our hearts right now. I'm hoping tomorrow or Tuesday we'll hear positive news from the tests and begin to hear a coming home date. However, I'm hesistant to get my hopes up, too.
Thanks so much for all the prayers, encouragement and words or support. We are so blessed by all of them.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Melody Updates
Melody shortly after birth
Melody Annalise Allen made her debut at 11:44AM on 9/9/09 via C-Section. Mom & Dad got a quick peak at her cuteness and her head full of hair before she was whisked off. She did also let us know that her lungs functioned quite well- no problems there, just like the other 4!

Melody clean & alert in NICU

A Drugged-Up Melody after surgery
While Mom was recovering, Dad & Grandma Allen got a quick peek before she was taken to NICU. By mid-afternoon, Mom was up for the wheelchair ride to NICU. We had the privilege of getting to hold her for the first time that afternoon just after she got her first bath.
Melody clean & alert in NICU
By evening of day one, Melody's condition was stable enough to plan for closure surgery on Day 2. If you haven't gotten enough info. and have a spare day, google myelomeningocele. I think we can almost pronounce it now.
Surgery was scheduled for 7Am, it started about 11:15AM. We got to hang out with her just outside the operating room for 15 minutes before they wheeled her in. The surgeon reminded us of what he'd be doing and let us know that she would not need a shunt today. Our surgeon refers to this surgery involving an exposed spinal column as easy- he has done over 200 of them.
She was done with surgery in about 2 hours and then received the surgeon's report that all went as planned. Based on how the nerves looked, it reconfirmed that her left leg and foot will have more motion & maybe more feeling than the right. He did feel like Melody will one day be a "Walker," which was encouraging. We were able to see Melody a few hours after surgery and she looked good.
A Drugged-Up Melody after surgery
Melody will continue to have tests at least through Monday to check other possible Spina Bifida areas of concern. If all looks good, Melody could get out the middle of next week and Sara should be out by Sunday. We still have many more questions than answers, some which we may not know for years.
Sara & I are extremely greatful for all of your support and prayer. We are delighted in the gift of Melody to our family and with the help of God and all of you, we will move ahead a day at a time.
Monday, September 7, 2009
We just might make it!
Amazing as it may seem to me, Melody just might wait until Wednesday's scheduled c-section. Tomorrow morning Kevin and I are off to the hospital for the anethesia consult and pre-admit bloodwork. Assuming Melody does not decide to arrive tonight or tomorrow, she'll be delivered at 11am on Wednesday. Of course, the time is subject to change depending on emergencies, but that is the scheduled time. Today was a relaxing day at home with no school work that had to be done. Dad spent lots of time in the yard fixing the drip system and playing with the kids. I got all my to do list done, and even got some "want to's" done. I got a little scrapbooking done and some organizing of pictures as well. We are rested and ready for complete upheaval in the next few days. We are all looking forward to meeting Melody.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Waiting for Melody
Grandma & Grandpa Coats with the kids at church. (No, we're not torturing Joel, he just looks that way. :)

We continue to have fun with Grandma and Grandpa while we wait for Melody. Today I actually left the house for church and then we all went out to lunch at Applebees. The kids had free meals from the library summer reading program they have been anxious to use. We were trying to stay away from home a bit longer as a wonderful friend came in and cleaned out house today. It is so nice to look at clean floors and not feel like I have to bend down and pick something up. We all took long naps or rests this afternoon, before having an easy dinner and spending a little bit of time outside after it cooled down.
Allen four, soon to be five!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
4 Days to Go . . . .
.... and if I stay up another hour and a half, there will only be three days to go! So far Melody is staying put this weekend. I am still having contractions, but only about every 20 minutes, so unless they speed up, we'll be fine. I am very tired and just ready to have the whole thing over with. 4 days may sound short to you, but it seems very long to me. The fact that I dread the whole c-section thing isn't helping my attitude. We continue to enjoy Grandma & Grandpa's help and the three days weekend. Tonight we are praying for one more night without a hospital run.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
As Melody's birth approaches, I feel excitement at meeting her, and yet fear of the unknown. A part of me will be ready to just know what we are facing, but there are times when I wonder if I will then just wish to be pregnant again and ignorant of all we might be facing. But, whether I am truly ready or not, Melody will arrive next week. Here are a few of the things I find myself pondering and/or worrying about.
- When others brag of their child's athletic achievements, I wonder if I will ever see Melody run a base or stand at bat.
- Songs I have sung all my life which talk of the lame and verses of how God made the lame walk, have taken on new meaning. What will it mean to have a daughter who might truly be lame?
- Thoughts of heaven are sweeter. Will that be the first time I see Melody run and jump?
- Our kids were discussing the other day "when Melody crawls" or "when Melody walks." It brings tears to my eyes as I remind them that her walking and/or crawling time table may be very different than other babies.
- Will Melody need a shunt? What will it be like to live life watching for signs of shunt failure?
- Will my daughter be moving her legs when she is born? How will I react if she is not?
- As I watched all of David's school run up onto the stage for a performance, I couldn't help but thinking of Melody. Will she be the one slowly making her way in from the side on crutches or joining the school by wheelchair?
- I'm sure I will weep tears at all of her accomplishments. All the ones I'm not sure now she'll ever make.
-Will she struggle with learning disabilities in addition to physical challenges?
- How will I handle life if it includes catheters and bowel programs for the rest of Melody's life?
These are just a few of the things I think about. I know many of you think I have a wonderful, positive outlook. But, the reality is I am human and I am prone to worry just like anyone else. I know God has it all under control and with His help we'll handle whatever we need to, but it doesn't mean I don't worry, too.
- When others brag of their child's athletic achievements, I wonder if I will ever see Melody run a base or stand at bat.
- Songs I have sung all my life which talk of the lame and verses of how God made the lame walk, have taken on new meaning. What will it mean to have a daughter who might truly be lame?
- Thoughts of heaven are sweeter. Will that be the first time I see Melody run and jump?
- Our kids were discussing the other day "when Melody crawls" or "when Melody walks." It brings tears to my eyes as I remind them that her walking and/or crawling time table may be very different than other babies.
- Will Melody need a shunt? What will it be like to live life watching for signs of shunt failure?
- Will my daughter be moving her legs when she is born? How will I react if she is not?
- As I watched all of David's school run up onto the stage for a performance, I couldn't help but thinking of Melody. Will she be the one slowly making her way in from the side on crutches or joining the school by wheelchair?
- I'm sure I will weep tears at all of her accomplishments. All the ones I'm not sure now she'll ever make.
-Will she struggle with learning disabilities in addition to physical challenges?
- How will I handle life if it includes catheters and bowel programs for the rest of Melody's life?
These are just a few of the things I think about. I know many of you think I have a wonderful, positive outlook. But, the reality is I am human and I am prone to worry just like anyone else. I know God has it all under control and with His help we'll handle whatever we need to, but it doesn't mean I don't worry, too.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
One Week
One week from today we will have met Melody. It is coming up fast. So far she is staying put. I do have my last NST in the morning, so we'll see if all still looks good there. If she doesn't decide to come tonight or tomorrow, I am really praying she waits until the 9th. Labor Day weekend would not be the best of times for Melody to arrive. I know the hospital would scramble the surgery team, etc, but I think getting the tests done and surgery done in a timely manner would be seriously impaired. So, for that reason I am really hoping she waits.
My Mom and Dad arrived yesterday, so we have been having fun. I hardly know what to do with myself with all the help with kids, meals and schoolwork. My Dad has already fixed doorknobs, the gate to the yard, and done more yardwork in an hour or so than I would get done in 2 months! I'm going to have to keep the projects coming. I love it when he comes to visit for more than one reason. Joel loves to follow Grandpa around and see what he is doing. Mom has been awesome at helping the girls with their schoolwork. Funny thing, Elizabeth is much more agreeable with Grandma than with Mommy. :)
Thanks for all the continued prayers and encouragement. We'll try to keep posting regularly as life unfolds.
My Mom and Dad arrived yesterday, so we have been having fun. I hardly know what to do with myself with all the help with kids, meals and schoolwork. My Dad has already fixed doorknobs, the gate to the yard, and done more yardwork in an hour or so than I would get done in 2 months! I'm going to have to keep the projects coming. I love it when he comes to visit for more than one reason. Joel loves to follow Grandpa around and see what he is doing. Mom has been awesome at helping the girls with their schoolwork. Funny thing, Elizabeth is much more agreeable with Grandma than with Mommy. :)
Thanks for all the continued prayers and encouragement. We'll try to keep posting regularly as life unfolds.
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