We are hoping Melody's surgeries are done for the time being. If all goes well, she could be home by the weekend! We are praying it is so. For now, it is a time of healing. With an "owie" on her back, one on her belly, and one on her head it is hard to know how to position her.
Melody was rolled into surgery about 7:30am this morning. Kevin and I had raced over there after receiving an early morning call and we able to see her before surgery and talk with and pray with the doctor. She was out by 9:00 and we got immediate updates from the doctors that all had gone smoothly. It took her a bit longer to get extubated from the oxygen, but that was because the surgery was shorter. They allowed us to see her about 10 am, even though it was not visiting hours. We left until visiting hours began again after lunch and spent a short time with her. She was obviously in pain, so we waiting until the next pain meds took effect before leaving. She should have slept much of today. We returned home so I could nap as I was pretty exhausted. We stayed home tonight to be with the other kids as they really need to see us. We'll return tomorrow afternoon to check on precious Melody.
She is just beautiful. Glad to hear all went well. It is amazing how resilient these little guys are. I hope you were able to get some good rest and praying that Melody will be able to go home soon.