Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another Doctor Day

Tomorrow we will head out early. First stop, Hannah's pediatrician to check on her cyst infection. Lord willing, they will find it remarkably better, or they may decide to hospitalize her. She is still a bit swollen, but not near like Saturday. The cyst is painful and hard to the touch. I'm hopeful we won't need to do the hospital route.

Then we will go to the hospital for a consult with the NICU team. We have a lot of questions about what to expect with a baby in the NICU for a couple weeks.

Finally, we'll have my non-stress test where we hope Melody will continue to be her usual active self and make her required heart accelerations in a small amount of time. If all goes well we can be home by naptime.

The patient relations representative at the Loma Linda was wonderful. She was able to clear up the insurance issue. (Yes, we have our current insurance through Sept. 1) She also had the ENT office call me within minutes. They were very nice and apologetic about the day before though it really isn't their fault if the computer gives them faulty information. Hannah now has an ENT appointment on the 24th. Her pedicatrician spent several minutes on the phone discussing the thyroglossal cyst. She feels that for now, we focus on getting rid of the infection before Melody arrives. The cyst will most likely need to be removed, but the ENT will decide that. It sounds like that will be elective, in which case we will probably try and do it over Christmas when the kids have 3 weeks off of school and Kevin is less busy at work. Not to mention, Melody will be much older.

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