Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hannah's Turn

Hannah awoke this morning with her throat swollen. She looked like she had the mumps. She had a mild cold and had said her throat was hurting and swollen yesterday, but I thought it was just her lymph nodes swollen from the cold. I took one look at her this morning and knew I had never seen anything like that before and so off to urgent care we must go.

Kevin took Hannah and left about 8:30am for urgent care. Kevin's Mom arrived about 9 am to stay with the boys, and Elizabeth and I left soon after to attend Ben and Sara's wedding. ( a couple from our church)

Kevin and I stayed in cell phone contact throughout the day. It took Kevin and 3 nurses to hold Hannah down while they inserted a heplock. Unfortunately, the nurse thought it would help if she told Hannah in great detail what was about to happen. They took blood to test for infection and then inserted dye in order to do a CT scan. The final result is that Hannah has a 2 cm thyroglossal cyst. Since she had the heplock in, they administered IV antibiotics and sent her home with a strong antibiotic perscription. We are to follow up next week with an ENT (ear, nose and throat doctor). The did tell Kevin it was not lymphoma as the shape is wrong. I am just glad I didn't know that is what they were looking for! Pray that it will shrink with the antibiotics. A quick Google search of "tyroglossal cyst" has told us that this was probably there since birth, but for some reason became infected. I'm assuming it was the cold she currently has. We were under the impression that they antibiotics would clear up the infection and therefore the issue. However, it sounds like surgery is often necessary to remove these. That is NOT what I need to hear or deal with right now. Please pray for us as we meet with the ENT next week. That Hannah will heal quickly, and that surgery will not be necessary.

Hannah wanted to come to the wedding after the doctor, and since the reception was nearby, Kevin and Hannah arrived as everything was wrapping up. But, they did get in on the In and Out burgers served at the wedding and of course, the cake.

I left the girls with Kevin and went to fill Hannah's perscription. The pharmacy then informs me that our children's medical insurance has been cancelled! I asked if I could just pay cash for the antibiotic, but as it was almost $150 we made some phone calls to insurance and were able to figure it out. Apparently we have new insurance numbers, but they have failed to send me new cards. Can anything be easy these days?

So, now the kids are all with Miss Carla, bless her heart. Kevin and I had already planned to be away for a couple of nights. Hannah said she was fine to be with Carla, so we decided to go ahead and go as who knows when we'll be able to do this again. We are near home, but in a hotel for a couple of nights. I'm trying to reduce the number of stress hormones I'm sharing with Melody!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Sara! I am having flashbacks from when my niece, Sydney, had a cyst at the beginning of the year. It was the same type of situation as Hannah, except Sydney's cyst was in her jaw. Sydney's mother was told the same thing about surgery, etc. Thanks to the Lord, Sydney's cyst shrank and did not need surgery! I hope this helps to give you some hope right now.
    -Briana Norton
