Monday, August 24, 2009

Reason for Praise

Today was Hannah's follow up ENT visit and we are rejoicing as we need to do NOTHING for now! The ENT said we can do surgery down the road if she keeps getting repeated infections of the cyst, or if it cosmetically bothers her, but for now it looks fine. She was excited, as are we. You can still see a small bump on her throat and she says it moves when she swallows, but it doesn't really bother her. So, for now we will just let it be. I'm breathing a big sigh of relief!

Today we also began our first day of school. It went fine, though I always forget how much work it is to get back into the routine. There were mostly complaints about the lack of television today. For our child who doesn't like change, the change to a new grade and new books was challenging, but we made it. Joel was the most excited to do his "school work."

I had 3 doctor appointments this afternoon. Melody continues to look really good. She has packed on the pounds in the last 2 weeks and they now estimate her to be 5 pounds 10 ounces! She also went from about the 13 percentile in size to about the 38th, so the doctor was very pleased with her growth.

I think I have the most ADD or scatterbrained OB doctor on the planet. Kevin is getting really nervous about this guy doing surgery! He asks the same questions every time. Are we doing a c-section or vaginal delivery? Hello, we've been talking about a c-section since 20 weeks! Anyway, I tried to get him to schedule the c-section for next week (which of course I had to remind him HE had originally discussed). He put a call in to the neurosurgeon as it won't do any good to schedule the c-section if the neurosurgeon is not available. We were unable to reach him while I was there, but hopefully when I go in for my NST Thursday morning the neurosurgeon will have given a good date for him to do the surgery. We were discussing many things as I followed him around the clinic (literally) and he dropped files, paperwork, etc. on different nurses desks. The looks on their faces is like, "the cyclone has arrived." Kevin said he reminds him of Robin Williams in the movie 9 months! It would be quite comical if we weren't trying to accomplish fairly serious matters. As I was making appointments for next week and we were discussing several issues, he says "but you're not going to go into labor because we're doing a c-section!" So in front of God and everyone else in the nurses station and the receptionists and patients checking out, I reminded him, "you are hoping I don't go into labor. That is why we are having this conversation!"

Needless to say, we are a bit frustrated. I'm hoping the neurosurgeon will give an acceptable date for next week. I'm just not sure the doctor will accurately explain why we should do it before 39 weeks which is the norm. The week after next is Labor Day, and I already know they are nervous about doing it that week. The following week I'll be 39 weeks and I think that is really pushing it to just hope Melody doesn't decide to arrive on her own before then. All of our children have arrived by 39 weeks. The boys almost exactly to the day. Of course, Melody could always just put an end to all this conversation and frustration by arriving anytime.

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