Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy at Home

One thing I am extremely thankful for is that our children are so happy at home. They've been home all week, except for swim lessons once. I haven't heard one complaint. For the past two days they have been building LEGO City. Here is a picture of it in it's infancy.

LEGO City is much larger now and the latest additions are a drive-in movie theater and a swimming pool. They are trying to convince me that they need to buy sets for the city, but I am really enjoying their creativity with the LEGOS they have. They have all been involved and except for the times when Joel decides the city needs to be "bombed," they have been getting along beautifully.

Now, I know there are Moms who run around with their children all the time. I am not that mother, even when I'm not 8 months pregnant. Right now, I'm really thankful they aren't used to running all the time and being entertained.

Today I just decided to rest. Part of that was that I had contractions at the rate of 3/hour for 2 hours this morning and I have been told to go to the hospital if that becomes 4 an hour. At this point I'd like to avoid the hospital, so I thought resting was a good choice.

I also decided not to call the doctor. We prayed about it and decided if he called us, we'd take it from there. No one returned any of our messages today, either. As taking a wait and see approach was one of the options, we've decided that is what we will do. Hannah has now been 2 full days without antibiotics. The cyst is smaller than Sunday and Monday and she is in no pain and has no other symptoms. We'll see what the ENT says on Monday, but for now we will wait. I was worried she would get a lot worse and we would regret waiting, but so far that has not happened. Continue to pray with us for healing for Hannah's cyst. We are waiting upon the Lord and He is renewing us. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

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